Thursday, January 29, 2015

Day 26

Day 26: If you had $ 1,000,000 to spend, how would you spend it?

I would put half of it in a savings account and the rest I would use on the following: 
  • College: I would find out if there is Early Education and Childcare courses in English in Hungary and go to college here, if not I'd go to England and do a really good course there
  • Living Expenses: For while I'm in college
  • Traveling: Go see Ireland, Spain, plus a few other countries during my holidays and to visit my family
  • Clothes and shoes: Yes, I am a girl and would love a ton of clothes and shoes
I'd calculate how much the above things cost, keep a little extra for enjoying life and things like furnishing the apartment I'm gonna live in, then give the rest to my family.
It snowed a lot today.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Day 25

Day 25: Someone who fascinates you and why.

I failed this 30 Day Challenge with this question. I tried so hard to think of anyone who could possibly fascinate me. I listed a ton of people in my head and came to the conclusion that there are things that fascinate me but not people. 
So I will leave this post lame and empty. I'll try to make up for it with my next post.
Here's a picture of me by the lake looking contemplative.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Day 24

Day 24: Your favorite movie and what it is about. 

That is a really impossible question to answer. There are millions of movies in the world, how can anyone choose a favorite?
One movie that I really love and have seen at least 6 times though is Juno.
It is about a 16 year old girl who gets pregnant by mistake, and how the guy, her family, friends and the future adoptive parents deal with everything. It is funny and has good actors.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Day 23

Day 23: Post 5 pictures of famous people you find attractive.

These aren't necessarily the people I find most attractive, but the first 5 sexy celebrities that popped into my head.
 Christofer Drew Ingle
Aaron Johnson 
Ian Somerhalder 
 Miranda Kerr
Nico Mirallegro

So there you have it, 5 beautiful people.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Day 22

Day 22: How have you changed the past 2 years.

I have changed a lot in the past 2 years. 
2 years ago I was: living with my family, doing a course which I took a break from high school for, I was in a "serious" relationship, didn't have any friends in Hungary or even hardly go out, I was super emotional about everything and I wished I could live anywhere else. 
Now on the other hand, I moved out, I am working, I have applied for some colleges and hoping I will be accepted, I am not in a relationship, I have quite a few friends here, I am barely ever home, I'm not so emotional anymore and I wish that I could stay in Hungary but I have to move. 
So my life has kind of taken a 180° turn in a lot of ways. My personality is pretty much the same, I think I have matured somewhat, but if I didn't over 2 years that would be really bad. 
I don't look different at all though.
Dec. 2012
Dec. 2014

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Day 21

Day 21: One of your favorite TV shows.

Since I have already written a fair amount about How I Met Your Mother I will choose a different show to go on about. So now I will introduce you to an amazingly great and hilarious show that everyone should watch called Scrubs.
I watched this show back about a year ago and once I started I could not stop watching. It has everything you could want in a series; comedy, drama, suspense etc. It is 9 seasons long, and even though the last season isn't the greatest, the other 8 are perfect. If you haven't heard of it before then you haven't lived life to the fullest. 

-Yes I know I sounded like an advertising agent, but you cannot talk about a favorite TV show without promoting it in some way.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Day 20

Day 20: How important you think education is.

This is a question I can talk about for a really long time but I will try to sum it up as not to bore everyone. 
I think education is important for everyone up to some point, only through learning can you form a new skill. The educational system of today on the other hand is a pretty big waste of time. For an example up to this day I have never used trigonometry, algebra or most of the chemistry and physics I learnt in high school. Yes there are important things to learn in school but I think everything you need to know you learn in elementary school and after that is just a lot of brain stuffing. Now-a-days if you don't finish high school you are considered dumb, but in reality a lot of really rich people never did high school because they were busy making money. 
The only way you can ever pursue a subject is through being educated about it, whether through text books or hands on learning. Also everyone needs education about life. How to dress yourself, eat, obey rules, read and write are things you learn at an early age but without knowing them you wouldn't get anywhere in life. Therefore that makes education the most important thing in the world because without it you couldn't do anything. 

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Day 19

Day 19: Your biggest regret in life.

I wish I had not stopped drawing and playing guitar, but I wouldn't say those are exactly regrets. One thing I really wish was different though was that I didn't forget Spanish as a kid. When I meet Spanish speaking people I always think 'I'm supposed to be able to speak it too'. but unfortunately I was a really stubborn kid and didn't want to speak it, so I forgot the language. 
In general though I don't regret anything. There is this quote:
That is my motto, I don't want to live life with regrets.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Day 18

Day 18: A book you could read over and over again and never get sick of.

I am not really a book person so I don't think I could read any book over and over again. A book series I could read a few times though would be The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare. They are a 6 part series of the greatest books I've ever read.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Day 17

Day 17: Your highs and lows of this past year.

Since 2015 just started and not that much happened I will write about 2014 instead. 
A lot of really great things happened in 2014: 
  • I got to travel to Slovakia and Italy 
  • I went to a festival 
  • I helped with a camp 
  • I had a really fun 20th birthday
  • I made some good friends
  • I worked quite a bit on my scrapbook
  • I made some really good dream-catchers
Some of the lows were:
  • being too stressed out
  • getting sick 
  • having the worst toothache ever that even the strongest painkillers didn't help
  • baby sitting for this family that was really weird
  • spending a lot of money on dentists
  • spending a lot of time waiting at hospitals 

As you can see most of the highs of my year were going places and most of the lows were physical pains. I really did enjoy 2014 and have to say it was one of the best years of my life for sure. 
I had sad times, and got depressed a bit, but I think I learnt a lot about my self last year. I really learned to control my emotions and am proud of my progress. 
So there you have 2014 in a nutshell.

Since I mentioned dream-catchers I want to post my latest one that I just finished last night.
I feel very content with it!

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Day 16

Day 16: Your views on mainstream music.

I think it really depends. Some of the really famous bands are really good and some are so stupid. Let's start with the song Anaconda by Nicki Minaj; I don't think songs like that should ever get famous, like seriously what is wrong with people who like it? I understand Nicki Minaj has a nice voice and some of her songs are decent, but a lot of stuff she writes is horrible. On the other hand I really like Katy Perry, I think her voice is super nice and most of her songs are also nice. Her latest hit, Dark Horse, isn't my favorite but you can't judge a singer by one song. I also really like Maroon 5 and Rihanna has some nice songs. On the other hand Miley Cyrus makes me wanna barf and Selena Gomez's music is so whiny. Wiz Khalifa and Flo Rida have fun songs to party too but aren't really my style. But hey everyone has their own taste and if they want to listen to crappy music that is their life. So I can't say I have a certain view on 'mainstream music', I just think it varies depending on the artist.
I will have to say though that mainstream music is not as good as other music. The best bands are normally the not-so-famous ones as they usually really sing from the heart and don't just write some junky lyrics to be played on the radio or in clubs.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Day 15

Day 15: Write 15 interesting facts about yourself.

1. I am in the process of making a yin yang dream-catcher
2. I love my life
3. I recently found out I'm allergic to dog fur :( 
4. I really want a new phone but won't buy one
5. I had hip piercings for 3 months
6. I love snacking on the delicious cheese I have in my fridge
7. I am going to one of my student's birthday party today
8. I don't understand people who prefer fries without ketchup
9. I wish I could tune my guitar without a tuner
10. I never go a day without drinking at least 2 liters of water
11. I collect snow globes
12. In general I cut my own hair and therefore always have crappy haircuts
13. I am listening to Of Monsters and Men 
14. My room is a mess
15. I don't like having long fingernails

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Day 14

Day 14: Your earliest memory.

I have a few memories of when I was really young, I am not exactly sure which one is my earliest memory though. I remember some details about my 5th birthday, how I had a jewelry box cake and how it was celebrated with another kid whose birthday was 3 days before mine. I also remember the first time I went to a circus, I am not to sure how old I was, I remember there was a boxing kangaroo. I remember living in a caravan for 2 months with my family, we were just 3 kids at the time. We were next to this other family and I always hung out with their kids, I remember running after their older sister when she was on roller blades, how we used to sneak into this bowling place and switch everything on and everyone would play while I would wonder around. Playing with play mobile, reading stories with my mom, playing with my dad while my sisters napped, going to my grandparents late at night once because there was a huge storm, getting in trouble for not wearing shoes outside and not being allowed to leave the caravan when it rained. 
Those are all the really early memories I have from my life, I am sure there are more, but I can't remember right now.
I just remembered the earliest memory by far, once when I was around 3 or 4 I gave this girl who was visiting my favorite stuffed toy, a swan, because she was sad. Also waking up super early from my sister singing really loudly when she was less then 1.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Day 13

Day 13: Somewhere you'd like to move or visit.

I want to see the world! This is a very broad topic and I could probably write a book explaining each country I want to visit and why. I doubt anyone would read that though so I will stick with 3 countries that answer this question. 
Ireland: The place I would like to visit the most in the whole world is Ireland. To be honest I don't really know why I am so fascinated by that country, but I really, really want to go there for St. Patrick's Day. I have recently been told by an Irish that St. Patrick's Day is over commercialized and mostly the foreigners there celebrate it and the Irish prefer to stay at home or even leave for that holiday. So I have a huge feeling that when I finally do it I will be disappointed, but I will still get around to it one day. I am also very interested to see the landscapes, castles and coasts of Ireland. I can imagine it being amazingly beautiful.
Spain: I have so many reasons for wanting to go to Spain. First, my dad is from there and I feel like I could finally learn Spanish properly if I would go there for a month. Also whenever I tell someone I am half Spanish they always ask me what kind if place Spain is, or how much I like it, or some even try to speak to me in Spanish. It is really embarrassing for me to have to answer with 'I am learning Spanish and haven't been there since I was 5 so I don't know anything about it'. A lot of people have told me it was their favorite country they have ever been to, and I would really like to go see it for myself. I also love the Latin culture and would love to live there for a few years some day.
Switzerland: I have been to Switzerland 4 times in my life and I love it. Everything is so high class and professional and my dream is to live there for 1 year. I can imagine living there for a long time wouldn't be that great as it is so strict and I would probably go crazy, but give me 1 year of perfection and I will love it. 
Switzerland 2013

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Day 12

Day 12: Bullet your whole day.
  • Woke up at 6:45 and got ready for work
  • Got to work at 7:30 first child came 15 minutes later
  • Watched the kids play, gave them breakfast, got some ready for ballet, took the rest outside
  • Circle time, watched Winnie the Pooh, gave them lunch, kid broke a plate, brushed their teeth took them to nap
  • Chatted with a friend, watched Friends
  • Woke the kids up, gave them snack, let them play, worked 1 and a half hours extra cuz my coworker couldn't come in today so finished at 5
  • Went over to the school to find out about my other coworker moving into my room
  • Got blown off and encountered an awkward situation so went home
  • Skyped a friend for 2 and a half hours 
  • Worked out some getting into college stuff
  • Chatting and blogging
That was a lot of detail, but it did say to bullet my WHOLE day

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Day 11

Day 11: Put your Ipod on shuffle and and write the first 10 songs that pop up.

1. Rat Trap 666 -Die Antwood
2. Move Like You Want -Ben Howard
3. Volcano -Damien Rice
4. Criminal -Fiona Apple
5. Older Chests -Damien Rice
6. I'm Already Gone -A Day To Remember
7. You're Not Good Enough -Blood Orange
8. Champagne Coast -Blood Orange
9. Heartless -A Day To Remember
10. Why'd You Only Call Me When You're High -Arctic Monkeys

I just put new music on my phone and to be honest the only song I even know out of the 10 is the 10th one. 

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Day 9 and 10

Day 9: If you could have any job in the world, what would it be?

There are a few jobs that I see people doing that make me thing: 'I'd love to try that', but none I'd consider as a carrier. There are only 2 jobs that I could imagine myself doing full time, 1: Kindergarten Teacher, which is what I'm doing now. 2: Working in an orphanage. There are things I'd try part time, e.g. bar tending, waitressing, face painting, hair dressing (if I had the skills), and some others. If I could have any job in the world though I would choose working in a really well paying international kindergarten in either Spain or Switzerland. I would really like to live in both of those countries at one point in my life, so getting a job there would be great. 

Day 10: Your guilty pleasure (or pleasures!)

First of all I don't know why there is an exclamation mark after 'pleasures' but I will just ignore it. I have a few but I am embarrassed to write about them, I will write about the least awkward one. Taylor Swift.
I never thought I'd confess this to someone outside of my family, but I know every single one of her songs. Except 1 which I didn't know existed until a few days ago. It isn't like I think she is 'that great' or anything, I just find her entertaining and listen to her music. 
So yeah there you have it.