Sunday, December 28, 2014

Day 6

Day 6: Your zodiac sign and if you think it fits your personality.

I am a Pisces, according to Wikipedia this is what my personality should be like: 

Western astrologers assert that Pisceans are perceptive, emotional, and receptive. Notorious for being highly sensitive, they are also said to be desperately afraid of ridicule, as the sign is deemed "unfortunate." Pisces are a mutable sign, which makes them receptive, and susceptible to change. As a bicorporeal sign, astrologists believe that events in Pisceans lives are prominently repeated, suggesting that they may marry several times and that misfortunes never come singly. However according to astrologer Max Heindel, the Piscean's "good fortune also comes in multiple."
Conforming to the traditional astrological belief of the dual nature of the Piscean, in part seeking enlightenment in the "unseen realm," they are said to be "dreamy, mystical, and artistic." Edgar Cavce, an alleged psychic, has been cited as an example of such a Piscean. It is also been said that Pisceans are the quietest among the twelve zodiacal signs, and that they are good workers. In line with their association with feet, Pisceans have been described as being "never quite satisfied when sitting," preferring to be standing or walking.

Some of the things listed above describe me perfectly: emotional, highly sensitive, receptive, susceptible to change,  "good fortune also comes in multiple", preferring to be standing or walking over sitting. Meanwhile other things such as: 'unfortunate', the idea that misfortunes never come singly, dreamy and mystical, don't exactly describe me. 
I don't think you can describe every person born under the Pisces sunsign the same way. To give a direct answer: Yes I feel that my sign describes me perfectly.