Thursday, January 28, 2016

Done, done and done!

I have spent the last few days of my life locked up in my room studying politics like a crazy person. I think I actually gained a tiny bit of interest for a subject I found super boring and knew nothing about before. All my studying was worth it though I passed my test, even if it was on the second try, with a grade I didn't think was possible. I knew university would be hard, but I wasn't completely aware of how hard, as even with subjects like linguistics I was able to pass after a good day or two of studying. I guess I'm learning self discipline through this.
On other news, I have officially finished my first semester of university! I feel really proud of myself for making it this far. I hope I'll be able to pass all my subjects easily in the semesters to come, and most importantly find a way to pay for them. But as I have experienced, when something is meant to be it will always work out.
Now I can get back to the other things in my life, but first I need to sleep as I am completely drained.

Enjoy this old picture of me which describes the way I am feeling now.