Thursday, December 27, 2012


I know I haven't posted in forever so here I am.
I started this course to be a kindergarten assistant and I've been busy doing that as it's in Hungarian and I can't read or write in Hungarian so I'm learning and the course took up a lot of my time.
I'm taking a break from my course for Christmas and my awesome boyfriend finally came to visit me so I've been spending a lot of time with him as I won't see him for a long time after he leaves and so I don't get online much.
I don't have some huge dramatic story of what is going on as I'm mostly at home or just in town.
Christmas was fun :) I got an awesome puzzle so been working on it, and of course all the other Christmas stuff (Christmas movies, good food, spending time with family etc.).
I don't really have any pictures of our Christmas yet, I'll try and get them sometime.
My Grandma had her 70th birthday party so we went to a nice restaurant and celebrated her birthday along with my brothers and cousins (who have birthdays in December).

K that's it for now. :) 

wish me luck with my course.