Thursday, March 31, 2011

Happy Birthday Meggys

Happy Birthday Meggy....:* :* :* Hope you have an awesome birthday and you get healed from any sickness....and um....have a great year (I don't like to say that cuz it's unoriginal :P) Come visit me sometime, I'll protect you from all the scary Filipino's who want to rape you :D love u..

btw u look super hot in this picture.

Monday, March 28, 2011


Sometimes when you fall you fly

Luther Day

Yesterday was Luther day, well not the whole day, but a big part of it. He's 3 and so cute, but also needs lots of attention.....................but it's fine, that's what I'm here for. Ah a few years ago I would have died if you told me that I would be baby sitting when I am 17. lol, funny things do happen :)

Luther and me (sorry about my face :-s)

Friday, March 25, 2011


 Result of my boredom being by my self at home on a Friday night.....but seriously these tattoos are really awesome makes me want a tattoo :P naaa...but still awesome

love it :D

Thursday, March 24, 2011

*Blink Blink*

The kids are in French class so I decided to steal their computer for a little quality Nat and computer time. Not like I haven't been on the computer recently, but I haven't been on a computer this fast in AGES!. :) Ok a few days ago I decided to start the 30 day challenge, it's good for recreation :P anyhow for those of you who don't know what it is, go on facebook, to my page then go to my albums and go to 30 day challenge, on the album description is explains. I'm trying to get tonz of people to do it. So if you read this then you have to do it. :)

The best song ever...I know I already posted it on my other blog but I don't know if you actually look at that blog, so this way it is more likely to be advertised. and if you never heard it before you are missing something big! :) tata

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Been super tired lately, my days are filled with kids and teaching, for two days I've been at this home helping 'babysit' the kids, they are good kids (THANKFULLY!) but still it's tiring.

Ok that's them, well I don't really take care of the youngest one. They're super cute :) I will be going home tomorrow for school, more teaching, and sleep...and then back for Sunday, ahh life is life, but I guess it's good too, sometimes. Esp. when I realized today that I will miss two really awesome things cuz I will help with the kids on Sunday, but ptl, I bet there is a reason for it. Oh and I want chocolate. One thing I like about being here though is they have TONZ of bagels and so maybe I can get nice and fat from my overdose....and also I am NEVER hungry, I just eat for fun, which is nice. Ok goodnight I think I need my sleep more then I like to admit. ;;) bu-bye

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Okeeeyyyy, I have no idea what to post, but I haven't posted in a while, so here goes. Did I ever tell you that my parents are going back to Hungary? My mom is leaving tomorrow, and my dad in June I'm gonna stay here with Joel's parents. Tonz of crazy things are happening all the time, but I want to sleep. I woke up at 11 today but I'm still super tired and want to sleep more, later I'm gonna go to SM (a mall) with my mom and sister and brothers. I want to eat ice cream, but it's ok cuz i will :) in like an hour......ok sorry this post is sounding super dorky, if it weren't for the fact that I HAVE TO post I would delete it :P but anyhow. I love Mcdonalds ice cream, super yumo but since they are renovating McDonalds in SM, Jollibee icecream will have to do......ahh ok i willl, have a GREAT weekend and dont' get to fat!
Merry Chirstmas and a happy new year :)

Saturday, March 12, 2011


Wednesday, March 9, 2011


  • You get crushed to the point you think you’re going to die.
  • You struggle breathing in between thousands of people.
  • You queue for hours on end to get near the front.
  • You travel ridiculous distances to see your favourite bands.
  • You sweat and look like a complete mess.
  • You’re being pushed around by strangers.
  • Your feet kill from being stomped on and jumping around.
  • You have no voice the day after from singing/screaming so loud.
But none of this matters, because you’re having the time of your life.


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Birthday Party

I didn't want to have a party this year, so Sam claimed March 5th (the day b4 my birthday) for his party (his birthday is on the 8th). First we were all just talking and doing random things like card games (bluff) till they brought the drinks. Hehe then everyone started doing shots for Sam's bday, (well not everyone basically only the guys) (I did one) and we were all enjoying ourselves, but everyone started getting drunk and Jason and Angela left to bring Jozen to the other house so I was alone with a bunch of drunks or half drunks. It was funny as I have never seen any of them (except 1) drunk before, so I was trying to make sure they wouldn't do anything weird, and after a bunch of random funny happenings someone found another beer bottle. 2 of the guys started arguing over it, so I took it from them, since I decided they were drunk enough already, but Sam came chasing me for it. I was walking around looking for Angela to give it to her but I couldn't find her anywhere so I decided to look in the house and just as I was walking inside I slipped (didn't know the floor was wet) and the bottle broke on my hand.......not was bleeding really bad and everyone blamed me for crashing the party. I got 3 gross cuts on my hand, one is really deep the other two are just painful and ugly, so the next day (my bday) I felt like a handicap couldn't do anything with my hand, also the next day, now I think it's better even though it still hurts. Hope it gets healed soon, I hate making people do stuff for me, and I want to wash my hair! Anyhow, on my birthday we went shopping, :) and then after I went with some friends to the mall, it was fun. Oh and Joel got me a capo, God bless him :P now when my hand is healed I can finally learn Remembering Sunday (the best song ever). Click here to hear it--u know you want to

 the only picture I saw of that night, Joel and Sam are super drunk, and excuse my weird face (I have my reasons for it)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Weirdest Day Ever

Ok I got sick, ya again :( I have a cold, things these days are really weird. So I was taking a walk with a friend and she was telling me this story about a car accident she saw last Saturday, and ok it was gross. It was raining so we were waiting under this place and she was telling me, when I started to get really dizzy, and I asked her to stop talking, but I don't think she noticed and continued. Then she looked at me and was like 'Nat are u ok? you look really pale.' I was like no, so she grabbed me and I was trying to say something (she told me I was just mumbling) and I blacked out, so these old men saw me and offered me a chair, as soon as I sat down I was completely ok. They got me water, but then a trike came and we left...I really didn't think I fainted as I don't actually remember blacking out, but ya apparently I did. Super weird, and my head is stilll aching, shock or something. Weird,........I haven't fainted for years, and then ugh................:-s


Don't Worry
Be Happy!