Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Last night as I lay down to sleep I looked out my window (which is next to my bed) and saw this green flashing light, so I sat up to look at it better, it kept on flying in and out of my sight but it was so cute. It was the second time I seen a firefly and the first one flew into the fan and died, (sad ending). So anyway I was watching it and it came and flew into my screen a few times, I was going to open the window for it to come in, but then remembering the fate of the first firefly I changed my mind. Anyhow I watched it a bit more and then it flew away to God knows where. It reminded me of two songs, I will only post 1 here, and yes Owl City again. It's such a cute band...well most the songs. So ya here goes:
Enjoy ;)



Stephanie said...

oh how cute! I love this song too..beautiful to see a firefly, no? I don't think I have ever seen one close up, but for some reason I feel I have:P movies and a kid's imagination I guess :P I'll see one one day! LOVE YOU NAT :-*