Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Well I have been trying to be more creative these days....and also update my blog more. You see I was super addicted to tumblr and it was having strange effects on me, so I am quitting till Monday...I haven't gone on it since Saturday and miss it really bad. But I guess it's good for me. I don't know if I'll be able to make it as I already feel left behind on things..but ahh ok.

I made a dream catcher, finished it yesterday and hung it up (ok normally you are supposed to hang it by a window but I hung mine by the door) It didn't really work though as I had the most retarded dream last night but at least it looks pretty (just letting you know I didn't expect it to work).

It's not like professional or anything but I like it. :) Going to make more just don't have different color thread then purple so it'll have to wait a while. 
Random pic of Monday night: