Monday, November 12, 2012

Doctor Time

Hello again,

I'm not to sure what to write, but I really should keep this's funny how when I first started out this blog I'd post every day and I made a rule for myself that I couldn't post more then once a day and it was so hard to keep. And now I post once or twice a month and I barely know what to post (except when it comes to music videos but I can't post only that). Recently I haven't been doing much, it was my sisters birthday (she turned 15) so there was that (no pictures sorry). Oh also I've been going for a lot of check-ups as Hungary has free medical insurance, well you pay a certain amount a month--so not completely free-- so I thought that during my stay here I should take full advantage of it. So ya basically I've done a blood test and got a tooth pulled (still have 3 more to go), plus a bunch of times when I went to work out my papers. I have 3 more doctor appointments this month...Ok ya so that's not very exciting. I can't wait for December because other than the fact that there's Christmas, New Years Eve, St. Nicholas Day, presents, Christmas spirit, my brother's, grandma's and cousin's birthday parties, and all those other exciting stuff the highlight will be that I'll get to see Micha after 4 and a half months of not seeing him, and I'll get to spend those awesome times with him. And for that I definitely can't wait :) So yes I will enjoy this month of school/doctor check-ups/cleaning/sleeping etc. and get through it as fast as I can...