Sunday, December 1, 2013

Hello December

I can't believe it's already December. So much has happened this year and in just 1 month it will be over. At the beginning of this year on January 3rd I visited Budapest as a tourist and thought it was a nice place but never even imagined myself living here. And just 5 months later I moved to Budapest (well a small town close by). I'm really excited about the rest of this year. Next Friday it's St. Nicholas Day and Santa will come to the Kindergarten. It's so cute how excited the kids are and I can't wait to see the looks on their faces when he actually does come. Also this weekend the dance group I'm in will perform, I am a bit awkward about it but you know it's something different that I'm doing, and I love that I'm putting myself out there even if it's not in such a big way. I think I'm doing great, sure I still get hit with negative thoughts and feel sorry about myself from time to time, but I'm doing my best to fight it and how you deal with your problems says a lot about you. So I'm trying to let it make me a stronger person.

Some guy once told me: “good things end to make way for better things to come”  I thought a bit how that quote applied to my life with everything going on right now, and I realized it's really true. Like I loved it in Manila but when the time came to leave even though I still miss parts of it I knew it was for the best, and things are so much better now. If I wouldn't have left I would never be here working and going towards my future. I'm really excited to see how things will play out in the future. It's really weird thinking how I will probably never 'move back in' with my family, like next summer I will stay there for a month or 2 but I will never actually permanently live there again as far as I know. --I mean I never know what could happen in my life-- part of me just wishes I could go back there, life is so much easier when you have someone taking care of you and buying your food and stuff. There comes a time in everyone's' life when they just have to spread their wings and try things out for themselves. But at the same time it's part of the excitement! Plus at least for the next 7 months they're just a 3 hour trip away and that's not that far. 

    Oh and last weekend Anita visited me and we did some pictures    

Well I wrote a nice long post and didn't even get around to telling a lot of things which are happening in my life. I guess that's a good thing. I'll leave you with this for now and maybe another time I'll write about the rest. 