Friday, August 27, 2010


I miss JedJed, he just left today, and I only saw him 3 times when he came here with his mom... I think he hates me, but who cares he's still my favorite baby around. Ok today I am not in a writing mood, everything i try to write turns out to sound dorky...but I don't care, I need to post. I used to post every day, and now sometimes I don't get on a computer with internet for a whole week straight. So yes even if this sounds weird, dorky or what not it's least it's a post, and u guys know I'm still alive. Everyone is sick right now in this house and it's weekend so I can only be by myself, with no movie :( (not that I'm really into movies, but sometimes it's a good way to pass time). And my computer isn't working, I miss it already, esp. my music...I just need a new power sorce and I'm hoping the guy has it for real cheep..and real good quality. Anyway of I got to bed to read...good way to pass time, plus I want to finish my book, almost done :) so Goodnight, or should I say evening. ttfn


MJ said...

aww I love youuuuuuuu! You sound so chute! Me likieeeeees!

MJ said...
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