Wednesday, December 7, 2011

New News

Ok so recently we took a trip around Bohol, now I don't know where to get many of the pictures so here are the ones I could find.

 We stayed at this really awesome resort place with the most beautiful pool ever, I swam like the whole time we were there...and got nice and tan

 with my daddy :P 
Well anyway that is all the pictures. Right now I'm sick, I've been in bed since Sunday and I really hope I'll get well soon. Right now it's raining super hard and I'm even getting rained on from my bed which is funny cuz that's kinda impossible. Can you pray I get healed really really soon! We started doing our puppet shows yesterday and unfortunately I feel like a lazy bum cuz I can't stay out of bed for longer than half an hour, I'm already super behind with my school and this is not helping me anything expect making me paranoid about all the wasted time. But like I feel completely clogged up inside and I really can't sit up for any period of time. Anyhow I bet no one is interested in my sickness and school life. I'm hoping to have a good Christmas this year and New Years (wish me luck I hope I can go to Manila for New Years). Don't have much more to say, there is a lot going on in my life, but sometimes you know I like to keep it to myself. I tc :)


Windy said...

Wow! Those pictures are like out of discover chanel or something! lol!
I missed you tons Nashie! So glad to hear from you, and for sure we'll be praying for you to get better, do well in school and all that.
Hey! Can totally relate to it, so nope, not boring. (makes me feel kinda relieved someone else is going through the same thing eheheh)