Saturday, August 18, 2012

Here's Happiness

Some people think that they can’t be happy unless they’re free of problems. They do okay as long as everything goes their way, but the minute anything negative happens, it pokes a pin in their balloon and whatever happiness they had been feeling vanishes. Because they let circumstances dictate their level of happiness, they are always bracing themselves for the next letdown and are never able to relax enough to have fun or feel good about life. They will never find lasting happiness using that approach.
The happiness I offer isn’t dependent on circumstances, which change like the weather. Rather, it’s determined by My presence and My promises, which never change. Circumstances don’t change eternal realities.
“These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”1 You can’t avoid the problems of life altogether, but you can rise above them. You can’t have everything I have promised and planned for you just yet, but you can have a foretaste anytime, anywhere. I can lift your spirit out of the earthly dimension, where happiness is fragile, and into the heavenly realm, where it is rock solid. The more time you spend with Me and My words, soaking up My love and getting My perspective on life, the better you will be prepared for its inevitable ups and downs, and the happier you will be.