Tuesday, September 11, 2012

School Start

Today I finally started 12 grade, it's about time...I will make it this year, I have to be all set for college next year, and I'll do anything to get there.
Something about my mood, it's been weird, I've lost that feeling, just like that I need someone, I miss freedom. Yes I have freedom here, but I've been in my room all day except when I went to the supermarket, I feel old. I wanna enjoy life, but I guess I'll have to make the best out of it, I wish I could have a place to go though, and people, or even one person my age to hang with. But guess I'm gonna be thankful, I have so many good things going for me right now, and plus I guess anything more on my schedule would take away from school, and I need a lot of study time. So I guess God always has a plan, and maybe I don't see the full picture, but He does, so I gotta trust Him. :)
Today is 9/11, it's all over the internet, I remember when I was a kid and the twin towers crashed and it was all over TV and I was just confused, makes me wonder, like how many of those huge events have happened, and they're not that important because they weren't in the States? Or another rich country? Anyway....Goodnight.