Wednesday, September 25, 2013

On Complaining

Recently I've been listening to stuff on how your words affect your life. It was talking about how complaining is an insult to God even if you aren't complaining about him, anything you complain about is his creation. And it got me thinking about a lot of things. The audios went on to say that there's a difference between telling someone your problems and complaining. People can talk about their problems and then try to find a solution But I've realized that most of us now-a-days don't try to look for the solution. We enjoy the idea of people feeling sorry for us so when we talk about our problem we make it a bigger deal then it really is. And when I thought of that I realized that's what I've been doing for a while. I have a really good situation and actually I have my dream job but I still complain a lot. Things go so well for me, yes maybe I don't have the ideal friend situation, but maybe if I spent less time complaining and I got off my ass and did something about it I wouldn't have this problem. I am really going to make an effort to stop complaining and be happy. I can be happy regardless of the situation I am in. There are times I get lonely and that's the hardest part I guess, but I have friends online who I enjoy chatting/skyping with and I'm really lucky to have them. And I should focus on that until something better comes along. Also I can go out there and meet people. I have to get rid of my shyness at some point, it's never gonna leave on its own. My main problem is that I forget, when I start complaining I don't think about how I decided that I would stop, then when I remember later I feel bad. I need to find some way that this can stick into my head until it's a habit. It takes about 6 weeks to form a habit, so let's see how I'm doing in 6 weeks?
I'll get back to this later. For now I'm gonna leave it at this. Bye and goodnight!