Saturday, October 19, 2013


So here's a junky picture of the moon, it looked super big and yellow so I wanted to take a picture of it for my blog but it looks super tiny on the picture.
I had a good day today. Met up with some friends and had a pretty great time. I'm realizing there's lots of possibilities for me here but I just need to put myself out there. Some things are coming together already.

I have had 'writers block' for a really long time..I know it sounds really lame for me to say that since I'm in no way a writer. But before I used to be able to just sit in front of my computer and write my blog and subjects would flow out for me to write about, now when I try to update I get nothing even if I already had a whole post in my head beforehand.

I'm going to have a week vacation at the end of this month and it'll be nice to go home and have things like they used to be. Funny how when I had things like that I hated it, and now I miss it. I guess that's how life is, you don't appreciate it until you don't have it anymore. Well I don't want to go back and live there I just miss the company and people around.

It just hit me how sad I am about A Rocket To The Moon breaking up, I really loved that band and I won't be able to ever see them live now. I was thinking of looking up if they were going to come out with a new album and then I remembered that they never will :( Whyyyy!!! At least they still have their old songs for me to listen to and love.

R.I.P. A Rocket To The Moon  --- you are missed.