Friday, July 2, 2010

Butterflies and strange thoughts.

Since I have been so lazy to post I decided to get down and write....but my mind is out of ideas so I will write about butterflies. Now I'm not like super into butterflies even though they are pretty, but the reason I was thinking about them is cuz my wallpaper has butterflies on it. You see a long time ago I made a post about my favorite artist and anyway this is my wallpaper....
see isn't she just awesome, and aren't you just jealous!!! Hu??? 
I have some good advice for you (Joel would be very proud of me to hear this)
If you want to get anywhere in life do extra curricular stuff like art, or learn an instrument, sewing, etc. and not just the bare minimum but enough to boost your self confidence. You see the reason I'm saying this is cuz recently I learned that self confidence is important as when you hang around other people who are all really good at different stuff you just start  feeling really stupid, well like you don't know anything well enough beyond the 'bare minimum'. Anyhow, that's how I felt, and still do a lot, cuz even if I do art and guitar, my friends are always better than me, but at least I can do it better than I could a year ago when I wasn't into learning anything. I'm still super lazy now and I'd rather just sit down and talk to someone or read a book when I have a good one, but doing that won't last me till the future. Ahhh this post ended up sounding dorky, even if I did mean it. Maybe writing posts at 12:00 at night is not very smart, I think I'm gonna go read and then sleep. Goodnight I love you :*


Stephanie said...

well we certainly are better than we were yesterday, and thats something to smile about :) Love you too Nats!

Sandy said...

No no that made plenty of sense. Self confidence in whatever you do, goes hand in hand with determination, and with those two, you make a up a powerful combination that equals success. keep up the good work nalies you'll see.. no matter how behinde you feel yo uare, you are exactly where you have to be, right here, in this time and in this place, yeah I know sometimes I feel I'm from another time and place but no.. I'm exactly whre I'm supposed to be. HERE.
God Bless you Nalies for everything you do
I LOVE YOU! muah
-Your moommmma sandy ;)