Monday, July 19, 2010

Camp Rizal

A few days ago I went to this camp in Rizal, Laguna (some place in the Philippines). It was super fun, the whole camp was 5 days (including travel), it was kind of awkward cuz I didn't know anyone except Joel (he went also). But I made friends surprisingly fast, and had a great week. Anyway we did some crazy activities, and the games they come up with are totally crazy..........don't know who invented them (but who cares that makes it fun)-------most that is. Here are some pictures, they didn't upload all the pictures yet, and there is barely and of me, so yes but enjoy anyway.

 One of the activities was making a boat, they gave you a few things and you had to decorate it, I'm in the back of this picture (our boat)

making our boat (I was the knife person, and I'm not in the pix)
more making our boat
even more boat making
 Joel's teams boat...and team
Olivia's boat team (Olivia is the girl with the blue shirt) ---p.s. she's super cute (the way she acts)
our boat on water--it held the most people!!!
the judges who decided which team won (actually only 2 were judges)
the grass used to be super nice, but then there was a massive typhoon in the middle of the camp and blew down tons of dirt, and even whole tree's...all my stuff got wet :-s 
So for that morning the activity was who could pick up more leaves, and coconuts, and in all there were over 1,000 coconuts. that was just part of them, they got super high and broke the soccer net after they were all stacked

Now you see the camp staff said they would add more pictures on facebook, but so far they didn't, so this is all I have, but I will add more later (like the waterfall ones) we went to a waterfall and jumped (I was super scared though and it took me forever)


Stephanie said...

Oh how fun!! I would've taken forever to jump as well:P I'm so happy you had such fun :-*