Sunday, June 12, 2011

Bye bye

My dad, Anita and Victor just left to the airport about half an hour ago, I donno, it didn't hit me yet, but it's gonna be really weird not living my any of my family, ofc the people I'm staying with are kinda my family, but it's different....Ok well I'm wishing myself luck, or just hoping that everything goes well, that I enjoy myself here, esp. since in like 4 months I'm gonna go and live on a different island, and I don't really want to do that, but I guess I won't judge yet, I'm gonna go there on Wednesday, really hoping I like it! Anyhow Don't have much to say atm, I still have a headache, but my hangover is WAY better, I can eat now, even though I can't eat anything sweet. but it's fine.

oh and I'm gonna miss Victor's skateboard, and I still didn't learn to olie :( I NEED MONEY :P


MJ said...

Dude I thought I taught you how olie already!!!--Gosh guess I have to go back there to teach you again! :):)