Tuesday, July 10, 2012

What Lies Beneath

Take a breath
Hold it in
Start a fight
You won't win
Had enough
Let's begin
I don't care

All in all
You're no good
You don't cry
Like you should
Let it go
If you could
When love dies in the end

Here we go
Does it hurt
Say goodbye
to this world
I will not
Be undone
Come to life
It gets worse

Yea.....sometimes things hurt, sometimes things break me, sometimes I cry for no reason, and there are times I hate you, I don't want to, I want it to be perfect between us. You are perfect for me but somethings just keep us different, there are things we will never agree on. 

I guess it is fair, it's fair that if something bothers you about a person you can tell them, and then they can choose to change it or not, sometimes I guess I'm to pushy, and maybe I can't accept it when someone tells me the things that bothers them about me. I thought about what you said, I really did, how am I supposed to change the way I really feel about something, I can't, not if I have to change my opinion on something I believe to something you believe. I'm sorry. I won't talk about it anymore, but maybe it bothers me the way you think about things sometimes. No two people are alike, and I'm tired of hearing you accept me...I don't believe it. But wtv doesn't really matter. I love you so much, and I know you love me too. That's all that matters to me right now, we can work through the rest. ok?