Saturday, February 23, 2013


Dear Blog,

I decided it's about time I post again, I thought about posting a story, maybe a couple of quotes, youtube video clips, some pictures of me, but I couldn't really find anything good, so I will just write a bit.
I passed 2 tests today, I feel proud of myself, and I got good scores also.
I'm doing ok, life has its ups and downs and then it's monotone times, I guess I'm in the monotone part now. I miss having friends more then anything, and I'd have a pretty good life here if I have friends. Ok I have a good life, and I'm very thankful for my situation as it gives me time for things which are important that I wouldn't do if I had friends. I think my time here is good for me, and I want to be positive and make the best out of it that I can.
I got my 3rd tooth pulled out on the 20th (3 days ago). I don't think I mentioned it before, but I have to pull all my wisdom teeth out. This one hurt the least of them all and except for feeling pretty week and not being able to eat properly the first day I haven't had any problems. Apparently the next one is also an easy one, so I'm glad. After that I want to get braces, but I'm praying I'll get the money real soon or it won't be possible.
I have my final exam on my course on March 7, day after my birthday, yay! I think I'll be able to pass if I study hard enough. After that I'll have to start searching kindergartens that will want to employ me, and apparently that's going to be hard as most kindergartens have all the people they need. But I'm sure if it's God's will for me to raise the money I need he'll give me the perfect job. So yep, trusting him for this :)
Don't really have much else to write about.
Oh check out my parents made a crafts page on facebook: Alfredo's Crafts

Well that's all for now.

Embrace my sexiness!
hehe kidding


Windy said...

Nalaa!!! Happy birthday sweety!!! I hope you had a wonderful time! I love and miss you so much fellow March baby! I know the Lord has so much in store for you this year! Keep holding on, keep pressing forward and keep looking at life with wonder!
Always in my heart!
I love reading your blog! xoxox