Thursday, December 25, 2014

Day 2 and 3

I forgot about my 30 Day Challenge on the second day since I have a brilliantly amazing mind. I am just going to do day 2 and 3 today.

Day 2: Where you'd like to be in 10 years

I am not one of those kinds of people who has every year of my life planned out till I die. I do have some goals that I would like to be done with in 10 years though. I'd like to be done with college and working on opening or have already opened either a kindergarten or an orphanage. I'd want to know what country I want to stay in permanently and not be moving around anymore. Probably either be married or in a stable relationship and possibly have a child. I'd like to have visited Ireland by then and have most if not all the stuff on my bucket list finished by then. Most of all though I'd want to be content with where I am in life.

Day 3: Your top 5 pet peeves:

-Hair: I cannot stand when someone has a random strand of hair that isn't attached to their heads on them. Even if it is a stranger standing in front of me at a crossing I will have to fight back the urge to pull it off. 

-Styrofoam: I HATE the sound of someone running their hands against Styrofoam, or it scraping against the wall. It makes me want to cut my ears off.  

-Loud chewing: When you can hear someone chewing while they eat and there is no other sound around to distract you is like torture.

-People who walk slow in front of me: It is really annoying when people walk really slow in front of you on the street in the kind of situation where you can't pass in front of them. Especially when they decide to stop randomly and you have to just wait.

-When people sneeze repeatedly: I know how annoying it is when you have allergies or are sick and sneeze all the time. I try super hard not to get annoyed at people who do, but at the same time I really really hate hearing them sneeze. It is like the room is being filled up with germs while a person makes horrid sounds close to you.

From now on I will try to post daily, especially during the holiday season when I have plenty of time.
Merry Christmas to everyone!