Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Day 29

Day 29: List 10 people, dead or alive, you would invite to dinner. Include the dinner menu.

I really thought about this question and how I would use this situation. First I thought I'd invite all of my friends from around the world and use the opportuinty to see them. After a while of thinking though, I realized I would for sure use the fact that I can invite people who aren't alive anymore and invite my sister and therefore make it a family dinner so everyone could meet her. That way I'd have 9 people already, I can't decide on a 10th because it would have to be a relative and I can't just invite 1 grandparent, so maybe my aunty.
We would have tacos.

This question was by far the weirdest, along with the one about 'someone who fascinates me'.