Thursday, March 24, 2011

*Blink Blink*

The kids are in French class so I decided to steal their computer for a little quality Nat and computer time. Not like I haven't been on the computer recently, but I haven't been on a computer this fast in AGES!. :) Ok a few days ago I decided to start the 30 day challenge, it's good for recreation :P anyhow for those of you who don't know what it is, go on facebook, to my page then go to my albums and go to 30 day challenge, on the album description is explains. I'm trying to get tonz of people to do it. So if you read this then you have to do it. :)

The best song ever...I know I already posted it on my other blog but I don't know if you actually look at that blog, so this way it is more likely to be advertised. and if you never heard it before you are missing something big! :) tata