Monday, November 23, 2009

New Moon

Since like forever I've  been waiting for it to come out, and yesterday we finally went to the theaters to watch it. It was sweet, but I still think Bella is so mean to Jacob once Edward comes back...waiting for the next part.


Stephanie said...

..I know. From the original characters -from the book- I pretty much fell in love with Jacob:P, even though Edward's the man, the sweetie, the one and so on.
We went to the movies too and in the end, when Edward and Bella are alone -since we already knew what'd happen (Sandy and I)- first I clunch my fist and raise it to the screen as a microphone -for Edward to pop the question- and then Sandy swiftly grabs a can and holds it up as well. "Will you marry me??" -smug looks on both faces. :P
Almost everyone in the place sighed!haha. "sigh of love" I'd say.