Sunday, November 22, 2009

A Very Unusual Day....And I Don't Even Know Why I Had Fun

Yesterday we (as in Joel, Anita and me) went to the eX-Merville home in Sunvalley. I didn't really wanna go cuz I thought it was gonna be boring, but in the end I went, anyway I'm always home and it's nice to get away sometimes. So first we went there and lo and behold it was pizza for lunch, we just had pizza the night before, so I was like yup yup yuppie pizza two days in a row! Later the other guys wanted to play signal, but it didn't really work cuz we were to lazy to explain and Kelvin didn't know the rules. So after a few tires we just stopped. We put music on and Anita and Rachel left the room---a very evil thing too do. So after listening to a bit more music Jason grabbed my bag..and I will not go into all the details but it started a big fight-ish thingie. They didn't let me go out of the room so every time they were spacing out I would make a run for the door. Didn't work though...ended up getting the door slammed in my face once and being pulled back in tonz. The one time when I did make it out of the room I was just about to run up the stairs when Kelvin grabbed my arm and wouldn't let go, I could have got away but Suzy (who was taking a nap and told us to be quiet) got annoyed at us--well it really was Kelvin, for being noisy. Later Rachel and Anita came back and so I got them to help me out Joel and Jason decided to be nice and helped me. So I went up to the girls room and after looking at their family albums--super funny stuff, we decided to do dress up:) And God they have the cutest dress up clothes around. And i just had to take pix of Laura-----she's just the cutest.

I kept on telling her she was so cute, her sister got annoyed cuz she said
that Laura would grow up all bratty thinking she was super cute

                      Rachel, Laura, and Me trying to be super sexy

                            Rachel, Anita, Shanice, and Laura

Shanice and me...........we didn't have a proper camera
and my phone is a bit junky but PTL


Meg said...

hottie natty!! that lil' girl is so cute! mecha kawaiii!

Natalia said...

mecha means very????