Thursday, April 29, 2010

Baguio Happenings

I am extremely late with this post, but I barely get on the computer (excuses)
So here are some pictures (I am not going to write all about it, anyway pictures make it obvious)

nature (take from the car)
more nature
the reason I am making such a weird face is cuz it stunk (there was a truck full of pigs right behind us see)
see the pigs :D
 excuse the weird face
Joel and Jason happened to be on the computer almost the whole time, playing battle for middle earth...
Pepsi and Rachel taking a walk
campfire pictures
the fire
activated meeting
talking with a girl at the activated meeting (I don't know why I was looking away)
more activated meeting pictures

And if you want to know more about it you can look at Joel's blog, just don't listen to his Kelvin ramblings
 this is Joel being very happy about being able to play guitar!
this is me being very exciting about a new morning ahead in the mountains


Joel Gamonez said...

Kelvin ramblings-ha! I only said something related to that once, and otherwise I just let the pictures speak for themselves mrs. friggin. >:))

Sandy said...

Aww, you look so pretty is all of them. so shush your mouth. you're a hottie of my soul :) Love you nals, miss talking to you sigh

MJ said...

NAT! Looking good~~! Goshhh need to chat some time soon! I miss ya!

MJ said...

NAT! Looking good~~! Goshhh need to chat some time soon! I miss ya!

Stephanie said...

oh cute! you have braids in the stinky pigs picture -grins- Jesus, please take away Nala's headaches, I claim the keys of relief from pain. If she doesn't have one now, take the next one away..i love u :-*