Friday, April 2, 2010

Comment or Something

Today I was looking at my visitors map and wow u know I was literally shocked. I have SOOOOO many views from all over the world, even countries that I don't know anyone from...It's cool that so many people look at my blog, but......I just wish I would know who they are. I mean I don't know anyone is Sweden, Norway, Armenia, United Arab Emirates, and a bunch more countries. Plus in countries like the States I only know Josh and I have views from all over the States. Ok nvm this is not interesting, but if you are not some random person can you please comment :D Or have some way of informing me, like if we chat or something.
Thank you so mucho people!



Stephanie said...

my oh my :) I totally get you:P It's so nice to have an idea of who is passing by your blog, or stalking it! haha :-* Stalk it ppl, Nala is awesome!