Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Random Happenings

Today's testimony is this: I decided to check my mail after not doing it for 2 days, and after looking at TONZ of Facebook messages I came across 2 very scary pictures a girl which doesn't even know me made....but they were good!:D so I will post them here (Sandy tell your sister she's good--and to add me for the fun of it). And another one Sandy made a while goes.
ps. don't freak out!

I'm the grumpy baby!--poor moma she looks worried or somthing

Steph looks the best and most matching (and I am in between two people I don't know in the slightest but God knows)

I'm wearing a pink bathing suit-eww! o well see I met Meggy once long before when she had blond hair..the picture to prove! 

--the lesson is you can be sexy even if you're not, just find out how to do this kind of stuff

lets add a little bit of word time on the subject

     15.  The  Enemy  tries  so  many  things  to
steal away your joy: weariness with the battle;
stress; trying to get you to take the problems on
your own shoulders; trying to get you to look at
things in the negative and keep you from seeing
the positive; trying to destroy and distort the way
I want you to see things and instead getting you to
look at what’s around you and let circumstances
dictate your happiness.
       16. But, My loves, it doesn’t have to be
that way. You don’t have to let him warp your
mindset. You can choose to retain your joy and
just not let go of it.
       17. And that’s what I expect from you. I
want you to realize that joy and peace and hap-
piness in your heart should be constants in your
life for Me. They should not be dictated by how
things  look  or  what  is  going  on  around  you.
There’s no reason for them to be!

--well not really on the subject but good anyway--take to heart!


Stephanie said...

thanks Nalies :-*
Ahahahha! that was so good, right?! hahahha :) I love you girl.

MJ said...

yeahhh...that good ol' day when I mistakenly dyed my hair blond...never doing that again...I so do not match it...geeeshhhh! too bad you had to see me with that hair...:P

Sandy said...

hahah, sigh. I know. susy does have a lot of free time.She came into my room one day and demanded the names of all my girl babies. I knew she was up to something, the next day boom.. al this stuff posted. I'm innocent :D.. lalal. And you are sexy! whether you think you are or not. :D loove you nals! I'll give her your ym! muuah!

Windy said...

Wowie!!! AMEN!