Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Thinking Of You

Toady my guitar teacher came over and after practicing the other things I was learning he said he would teach me a new song, so lo and behold came up with Katy Perry's song Thinking Of You. Interesting song...Filipino's  like it, I kind of do too. It's not so my style but now I don't really have a style anymore as I adopted everything into my musical taste...I mean I even like Opera---u can call me weird if u like but it's kinda cool I think. Anyway all that to say soon I will be professional and better than Joel (he won't agree). Oh ya and it's Tina's birthday today...Happy Birthday Twidy...luv u:*


Stephanie said...

Congrats Nalies!! You're learning guitaar! -wide big smile-
Keep at it hun...if you want it, I'll pray for you not to lose the inspiration n motivation to do so. You can be real good! My pretty Nalies playing the guitar in a field! What a vision:P! ...or even better..playing the guitar to reach someone's heart, or to comfort them :-*

Natalia said...

tx for praying for me...i think ur prayers are being answered....cuz i luv it! but keep praying for me