Saturday, December 12, 2009


To all u friends...whether I met them for real or online.

Tina: I miss u like crazy, and all our crazy things we did, like talking in the bathtub till 3:00 in the morning and stuff like that.........hope to see u one day again:*
Marie: miss u too, I miss Serbia living with all u awesome people (JJ is not awesome). Hope to see u again sometime, and maybe I'll even visit u in Canada if I can ever come up with the money.
Alex: I couldn't find any recent pix of you, so this one will have to do.......but ya even if I never see you again, I luv you....and I'll see you in heaven then we can talk and argue as much as we like. You know you are the only person I can argue with and not get angry, and I kind of have fun arguing cuz we end at the same place we started and we know so much more about each other in that pointless argument. but anyway, hope you have a happy life.

Nelly: u crazy, randomly inspirational person, I miss all those fun and crazy things we did, remember our tree where we got in trouble for going there but still did anyway, and the AIP camp and our super soccer friends. I hope to see u again and eat more lollipops which make our tongues green and blue.

Jeannette: The cutest, sweetest girl ever:D...and she's also Pisces, which makes her more awesome. Jean ur awesome, it's fun being with u, and pretending we're best friends, and being silly, and giving u tonz of hugs. Hope to see u soon again.
Szilvi:'re just the cutest, and I love your smile, I can't wait till u come live with me, keep on being happy, sweet, and cute. Miss u:*
Shelly: It's super fun talking to u, and I miss being with u and taking a million pictures (which i have so few of) and people calling us vain:P hope to see u sometime soon again.
Esti: I barely know u, but it was fun seeing u the times I did. And chatting with u is fun, plus I luv ur art:)
Debbie: I already made a post for you on your birthday, but shush who cares if I post you again. 
My Cwissy: see ur looking at me with this naughty look saying, come here Nally Wally or I kill u! I miss you even if I never met u, and I miss your letters tonz...write me soon!
Moma aka Sandy: u buuutiful woman, get online sometime, so so awesome fun to chat with, and if we'd meet we'd be so crazy together, and just do the funnest coolest things ever. I luv u! *hugs tightly*
Steph: ur awesome luv, talking to u, reading ur blog, or looking at ur facebook makes me smile, well actually even thinking about u makes me smile. I love u so much. I said that this morning, but it's amazing to know there is someone on the other side of the world so like me. Keep going for Jesus, I'm praying for u! I just wanna hug u.....and I like it how ur so nice with kidz, and u really appreciate the tiniest things in life. I wanna chat with u again. >:D< :*

Meggy: this is one of the cutest pictures of you, and you're so fun and awesome to chat with, you're so crazy, which makes me like u more, and u just come up with the funniest things sometimes, and go on about the craziest things, like being and alien and stuff like that. Hope to meet u soon, and then we can cook some super yummo foods, well u can teach me:D ah...I luv u :X

--Ewww, I just realized it's only girls here, no offense to all u guy friends, or other friends I have  who are girls ur still awesome. and I luv u all.


MJ said...

awwww nally!!!! such a love you are!! (and you even picked a picture I look semi decent in...:P) Love you lotsies too! and omg chatting with you today was awesomely fun! (don't just was okay~ :P Like good ol' times?! *wink*)
omg yes! and we are so cooking when we see each other!! awesomeness!
Stay ur awesome sweet and pretty self! and always remember ...this girl aka Meg...LOVES YOU TO BITS!

P.S.You can get better and you will~ *smiles BIG*

Stephanie said...

Nalies I'm being such a criminal right now. I need to finish this Language Arts book! Eeeeck! But oh dear I confess, you made me cry sweet, happy, thankful tears. You don't know how awesome it is to know you Nala! Man I feel like such a weirdo crying and all. But anyway :-* I LOoOVE YOU!
P.S for Megs and all. I wish we were aliens...and had supernatural powers to go from one place to the next in the twinkling of an eye!
(hugs you tightly and runs off) (comes back)Oh I know! I'll write you later! :P (hugs you tighly again)
Thanks for brightening up my days Nala and for the reassurance I have in knowing you're there for me even in the Philippines...I'm here for you -always a few clicks away. :D :-*