Sunday, December 20, 2009

I'm getting healthy!

Since we have the flu going around and almost everyone in the home has colds; an adult here looked up some health remedies. Now normally you would expect something with honey, garlic, vinegar, tea or veggies involved, but unfortunately it was not to be. So this morning I was with the kidz and we are eating snack when A. Joy comes into the kitchen and says she found a new health remedy that should help us get rid of our colds in 1-3 days. We were all happy since obviously we want to be healed as fast as possible. So she started explaining, "First you get a cup of water and put half a teaspoon of baking soda into it, and then you drink it, you need to do that once every 1and a half hours, and have 6 cups the first day, 4 the second and the third only 2." Ok sounded good enough, I got a cup for all the kidz and myself and had no idea what I expected it to taste like. My brothers all started saying it was gross and complaining, and when I tasted it I totally make a long story short we had to drink that disgusting (and I don't normally call food disgusting) stuff all through out the day, well we started doing it with less water and still half a teaspoon of baking soda. I only drank 4 and I will not drink more today, we'll see about tomorrow. As far as drinking 6, I'll stick with the other health remedies...even my mom's cough syrup doesn't look so bad anymore. Now here's a tip, when your sick you should drink it, it's really good for you and you'll know how I feel, or maybe not (my dad and sister likes it)        


MJ said...

ewwwwws....but then might not be THAT bad...I might give it a go when I do get sick...MAYBE.