Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Moon

Today I saw the most awesome moon ever! It was the biggest moon I have seen in real life---full moon. Me and Lucy were playing birdie and I looked up at the moon and I just stared at it, so ofc I missed a shot. But it was sooooooo beautiful.

It looked just like this one...I even double-checked out the window:P

I like to think that the moon is there even if I am not looking at it

Wolves have howled at the moon for centuries, yet it is still there  

THE MOON IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT THROUGHOUT THE BIBLE, as it was the sign for the times of the various important religious feasts of the Old Testament & it was the measurement of the years & the days of the month & was considered extremely significant in all of their religious activities, as the days of the feasts were determined by the various phases of the Moon.

 ---I'm not super into all that technical stuff, but the point is the moon is one of God's most awesome creations...no worries I'm not a lunatic 

BTW I found out some super news today, there are actually blue moons!!!! I thought that was very useful for me to know, cuz I use the saying 'once in a blue moon' a lot and I didn't know they really existed......


Stephanie said...

Awesome Nala! I have this dorky, very special love for moons, it does make me feel like a dork, but I looove to look out for the moon each night! -if I can- and oooh hah, interesting fact about the blue moons, didn't know that either (scratches chin) -sigh of love- I luv the moon.. :) (trails off)
Moons make me feel that there's hope no matter whats happening to me..I love looking up at it and enjoying its shinee.