Wednesday, December 2, 2009

My Gift To You

 From Jesus With Love

Love—this is My special gift for you. Love that
knows no boundaries. Love that does not judge
you by the color of your skin, the way you look,
or how you speak. Love that gives. Love that
shares. Love that cares. Love that is vibrant,
warm, and kind. Love that is unconditional and


Love that is patient in a world of intolerance.
Love that is understanding when others fail to
see into your heart. Love that is kind and tender
when all else around you seems cold and hard.
Love that comforts you in your sorrow, that 
consoles you when you’re lonely, that gives you a
helping hand when you’re down. Love that is full
of happiness and laughter. Love that brings peace
in the midst of stormy weather. Love that always
finds a way.
My love is always there for you—any place, 
any time, day or night. My love will descend to
any depth to save, go any length to rescue. It
knows no stopping place, no limit. I give you My
love, infinite and true.
My love brings peace of mind when you are
confused, rest when you are weary, and strength
when you feel you cannot go on. My love will
calm your fears and give you courage in the face
of despair. My love can heal when your body is
broken; it can soothe your heartaches and pain.
My love will ease your mind when it is troubled
and weary; it will melt away tension, worry, and
My love is My Christmas gift for you.