Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Day 12

Day 12: Bullet your whole day.
  • Woke up at 6:45 and got ready for work
  • Got to work at 7:30 first child came 15 minutes later
  • Watched the kids play, gave them breakfast, got some ready for ballet, took the rest outside
  • Circle time, watched Winnie the Pooh, gave them lunch, kid broke a plate, brushed their teeth took them to nap
  • Chatted with a friend, watched Friends
  • Woke the kids up, gave them snack, let them play, worked 1 and a half hours extra cuz my coworker couldn't come in today so finished at 5
  • Went over to the school to find out about my other coworker moving into my room
  • Got blown off and encountered an awkward situation so went home
  • Skyped a friend for 2 and a half hours 
  • Worked out some getting into college stuff
  • Chatting and blogging
That was a lot of detail, but it did say to bullet my WHOLE day