Thursday, January 29, 2015

Day 26

Day 26: If you had $ 1,000,000 to spend, how would you spend it?

I would put half of it in a savings account and the rest I would use on the following: 
  • College: I would find out if there is Early Education and Childcare courses in English in Hungary and go to college here, if not I'd go to England and do a really good course there
  • Living Expenses: For while I'm in college
  • Traveling: Go see Ireland, Spain, plus a few other countries during my holidays and to visit my family
  • Clothes and shoes: Yes, I am a girl and would love a ton of clothes and shoes
I'd calculate how much the above things cost, keep a little extra for enjoying life and things like furnishing the apartment I'm gonna live in, then give the rest to my family.
It snowed a lot today.


Alfredo Alemany said...

So sweet of you to think that way!