Sunday, January 11, 2015

Day 16

Day 16: Your views on mainstream music.

I think it really depends. Some of the really famous bands are really good and some are so stupid. Let's start with the song Anaconda by Nicki Minaj; I don't think songs like that should ever get famous, like seriously what is wrong with people who like it? I understand Nicki Minaj has a nice voice and some of her songs are decent, but a lot of stuff she writes is horrible. On the other hand I really like Katy Perry, I think her voice is super nice and most of her songs are also nice. Her latest hit, Dark Horse, isn't my favorite but you can't judge a singer by one song. I also really like Maroon 5 and Rihanna has some nice songs. On the other hand Miley Cyrus makes me wanna barf and Selena Gomez's music is so whiny. Wiz Khalifa and Flo Rida have fun songs to party too but aren't really my style. But hey everyone has their own taste and if they want to listen to crappy music that is their life. So I can't say I have a certain view on 'mainstream music', I just think it varies depending on the artist.
I will have to say though that mainstream music is not as good as other music. The best bands are normally the not-so-famous ones as they usually really sing from the heart and don't just write some junky lyrics to be played on the radio or in clubs.