Monday, January 19, 2015

Day 20

Day 20: How important you think education is.

This is a question I can talk about for a really long time but I will try to sum it up as not to bore everyone. 
I think education is important for everyone up to some point, only through learning can you form a new skill. The educational system of today on the other hand is a pretty big waste of time. For an example up to this day I have never used trigonometry, algebra or most of the chemistry and physics I learnt in high school. Yes there are important things to learn in school but I think everything you need to know you learn in elementary school and after that is just a lot of brain stuffing. Now-a-days if you don't finish high school you are considered dumb, but in reality a lot of really rich people never did high school because they were busy making money. 
The only way you can ever pursue a subject is through being educated about it, whether through text books or hands on learning. Also everyone needs education about life. How to dress yourself, eat, obey rules, read and write are things you learn at an early age but without knowing them you wouldn't get anywhere in life. Therefore that makes education the most important thing in the world because without it you couldn't do anything.