Thursday, January 8, 2015

Day 14

Day 14: Your earliest memory.

I have a few memories of when I was really young, I am not exactly sure which one is my earliest memory though. I remember some details about my 5th birthday, how I had a jewelry box cake and how it was celebrated with another kid whose birthday was 3 days before mine. I also remember the first time I went to a circus, I am not to sure how old I was, I remember there was a boxing kangaroo. I remember living in a caravan for 2 months with my family, we were just 3 kids at the time. We were next to this other family and I always hung out with their kids, I remember running after their older sister when she was on roller blades, how we used to sneak into this bowling place and switch everything on and everyone would play while I would wonder around. Playing with play mobile, reading stories with my mom, playing with my dad while my sisters napped, going to my grandparents late at night once because there was a huge storm, getting in trouble for not wearing shoes outside and not being allowed to leave the caravan when it rained. 
Those are all the really early memories I have from my life, I am sure there are more, but I can't remember right now.
I just remembered the earliest memory by far, once when I was around 3 or 4 I gave this girl who was visiting my favorite stuffed toy, a swan, because she was sad. Also waking up super early from my sister singing really loudly when she was less then 1.