Thursday, January 1, 2015

Day 9 and 10

Day 9: If you could have any job in the world, what would it be?

There are a few jobs that I see people doing that make me thing: 'I'd love to try that', but none I'd consider as a carrier. There are only 2 jobs that I could imagine myself doing full time, 1: Kindergarten Teacher, which is what I'm doing now. 2: Working in an orphanage. There are things I'd try part time, e.g. bar tending, waitressing, face painting, hair dressing (if I had the skills), and some others. If I could have any job in the world though I would choose working in a really well paying international kindergarten in either Spain or Switzerland. I would really like to live in both of those countries at one point in my life, so getting a job there would be great. 

Day 10: Your guilty pleasure (or pleasures!)

First of all I don't know why there is an exclamation mark after 'pleasures' but I will just ignore it. I have a few but I am embarrassed to write about them, I will write about the least awkward one. Taylor Swift.
I never thought I'd confess this to someone outside of my family, but I know every single one of her songs. Except 1 which I didn't know existed until a few days ago. It isn't like I think she is 'that great' or anything, I just find her entertaining and listen to her music. 
So yeah there you have it.